Pavel Chemrov from Nazarovo was involved in a criminal case for his belief in Jehovah God. Two years earlier, the man underwent heart surgery.
Pavel was born in October 1964 in the village of Progress, Krasnoyarsk Territory. He has two sisters. Later, his family moved to Nazarovo, where Pavel still lives. Since childhood, he was fond of technology.
Pavel studied at vocational school as a tractor driver. Upon graduation, he served in the army. Then he worked for 10 years on a bulldozer, in recent years as a driver in a technical school. For a high degree of responsibility and professionalism in 2023, he was awarded a letter of thanks. In his spare time, Pavel enjoys fishing and gardening.
The man decided to take the Christian path in 2015. He was motivated to do so by what he learned from the Bible about God's attributes—justice, love, and mercy. Pavel was also impressed by the love and warm atmosphere among Jehovah's Witnesses.
Pavel's wife and daughter do not share his religious views, but his wife endures new difficulties with him. The adult daughter also worries about her father and is constantly in touch with him. Paul remains calm and does not lose heart, no matter what.