Name: Тохтаев Далер Икрамжонович
Date of Birth: November 1, 1990
Current status: defendant
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (1.1), 282.2 (2)
Time spent in prison: 2 day in a temporary detention facility, 201 day in a pre-trial detention
Current restrictions: detention center
Currently held in: СИЗО № 1 по Сахалинской области
Address for correspondence: Тохтаеву Далеру Икрамжоновичу, 1990 г. р., СИЗО № 1 по Сахалинской области, пр. Мира, 193, г. Южно-Сахалинск, Сахалинская область, 693007

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Daler Tokhtayev is a Jehovah's Witness originally from Tajikistan. In April 2024, he ended up in a pre-trial detention center for his peaceful religious beliefs. Sakhalin, where he now lives, and his homeland are separated by more than 5500 kilometers.

Daler was born in November 1990 in the city of Tursunzoda (Tajikistan). He has three older brothers and one younger brother. Their father is no longer alive. As a child, Daler was engaged in weightlifting, at one of the competitions he took first place. He was also fond of football, which he still loves.

In 2002, Daler's family moved to Sakhalin for economic reasons and settled in Poronaysk, his mother's hometown. There, Daler graduated from college and received the qualification of an electric and gas welder. The young man worked in his specialty on the railway, where he additionally trained as an assistant driver and electrician, whom he worked until his arrest.

Dahler's mother became one of Jehovah's Witnesses in 1999. During his teenage years, Dahler also decided to study the Bible thoroughly. As a result, in 2008 he embarked on the Christian path.

On Sakhalin, the young man met his future wife Jeanne, who shares his life values. In 2012 they got married. The couple love to travel and spend time with friends in nature.

The criminal prosecution had a negative impact on the health of the Tokhtayevs. The question arose about the dismissal of both from work. Jeanne was forbidden to meet with her husband and call him. The family is grieving the separation and is concerned that their good reputation has been undermined.

Relatives are perplexed because of how it was possible to deprive a decent and peace-loving person of freedom.

Case History

In April 2024, searches were carried out in the city of Poronaysk (Sakhalin) in the house of the Daler Tokhtaev family. Two months earlier, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case against him under the article on participation in the activities of an extremist organization for holding talks on biblical topics. Immediately after the search, the believer was detained and placed in custody.
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