Name: Shishkin Vasiliy Vladimirovich
Date of Birth: April 24, 1972
Current status: accused
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (1)
Time spent in prison: 2 day in a temporary detention facility, 62 day Under house arrest
Current restrictions: house arrest


Facing criminal prosecution in January 2025, Vasiliy Shishkin ended up under house arrest because of his belief in Jehovah God. He was forbidden to communicate with his wife, as she is a witness in a criminal case.

Vasiliy was born in April 1972 in Prokopievsk (Kemerovo region). He has a younger brother. Their mother worked as a nurse and is no longer alive. His father is a miner, traveler and poet, professes Orthodoxy and lives in a secluded monastery.

Vasiliy's parents divorced when he was 8, he was raised by his grandmother, and his younger brother grew up with his father and stepmother. Sometimes they tried to live together. As a child, Vasiliy was actively involved in sports: he went swimming, played hockey and football. His father took him rafting on mountain rivers and thus instilled in him a love for nature. He still enjoys cycling, hiking, fishing, and mushroom picking.

After graduating from a mining technical school, Vasiliy worked in a mine for six months. Later he took courses as a carpenter and massage therapist. Throughout his life he worked in various fields: baker, locksmith, salesman, loader, meat cutter and janitor.

In his youth, Vasiliy, according to him, "often felt emptiness, meaninglessness, fear." The reason for this was, among other things, the harsh upbringing of his father and family quarrels. Thanks to the Bible, the man learned the meaning of life and found hope. In 1998, he became one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

In 2013, Vasiliy married Irina. She was educated as accounter and pharmacist. She works in a pharmacy. Spouses are united by common values and views on life. They love to spend time in nature. Vasiliy also loves to draw, sometimes writes poetry.

The search, interrogation and arrest had a negative impact on Vasiliy's emotional state. His loved ones support him and take care of his needs.

Case History

In January 2025, a criminal case was opened against Vasiliy Shishkin from Prokopyevsk under the article on organizing the activities of an extremist organization. The reason for this was his conversations on biblical topics with local residents. The house of Vasiliy and his wife Irina was searched, and the believers were interrogated at the Investigative Committee. Vasiliy was placed in a temporary detention facility, and 2 days later he was placed under house arrest.
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