Name: Ryshkov Andrey Vladimirovich
Date of Birth: May 6, 1987
Current status: who has served the main sentence
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (2)
Time spent in prison: 2 day in a temporary detention facility, 728 day in a pre-trial detention
Sentence: punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of 3 years with deprivation of the right to engage in activities related to the placement of appeals and other materials in public information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, for a term of 3 years, with restriction of liberty for a term of 6 months with serving a sentence of imprisonment in a correctional colony of general regime


Andrey Ryshkov was born in 1987 in the city of Kursk. He has a sister Natalia. His father passed away early, so from the age of 12 the boy's upbringing fell on the shoulders of his grandfather, who loved him very much. The mother had to work two jobs to somehow feed the children. As a child, Andrey was fond of various types of wrestling, aircraft construction and drawing. He dreamed of becoming a designer.

After school, Andrey graduated from the Industrial Institute of Kursk at the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering. To pay for his studies, Andrey had to work at night. While studying at the institute, he began to earn extra money in the field of apartment renovation and still continues to work in this direction. Because of his peaceful Christian convictions, he did alternative civilian service, working as a postman.

In his free time, as in childhood, he likes to draw, skate, is fond of rock climbing and reading books. He loves nature, so he goes hiking, especially in the mountains.

Andrei first heard about the Bible and its teachings from the relatives of his first wife, and became interested. Studying this ancient book, he began to find logical answers to questions that had worried him for many years. This, as well as the ardent love of friends living by high biblical standards, prompted him to become a follower of Christ.

In November 2015, Andrey met Marina, and a year later they got married. Since childhood, Marina has had a deep reverence for God and shares her husband's beliefs. She loves to read and draw, is fond of photography and psychology. The spouses love to spend time together: travel, go to exhibitions of fine arts, study the history of Russia and other countries.

Andrey's criminal prosecution hit the usual course of life of his family, relatives and friends. Andrey lost orders and clients, and Marina did not appear at work for some time, trying to somehow support her husband and provide him with the most necessary things in the pre-trial detention center. Against the background of the stress experienced, her chronic diseases, as well as those of her mother, worsened. Andrey's grandfather, because of the grief experienced, refused to eat and take medication for several days, for the mother the criminal prosecution of her son also turned into strong feelings and tears.

Case History

In October 2019, the FSB initiated a criminal case against Andrey Andreyev, Artem Bagratyan and his wife Alevtina. Andreyev was accused of organizing the activity of an extremist organization, while the others were accused of participating in it. They were placed in a detention center. Later, another believer, Andrey Ryshkov, was arrested. At the end of 2020, Alevtina Bagratyan was transferred to house arrest. Artem Bagratyan suffers from diabetes and other chronic diseases; his condition required inpatient treatment, which he was denied by the management of the detention center. In June 2021, the court sentenced: Andrey Andreyev to 4.5 years in a penal colony, Andrey Ryshkov - 3 years in a penal colony, Artem Bagratyan - 2.5 years in a penal colony and his wife, Alevtina - 2 years in a penal colony. Aleksandr Vospitanyuk was given a 2-year suspended sentence. In January 2022, the court of appeal, and a year later, the court of cassation, upheld this decision. All of the believers have already served their terms.