Updated: July 26, 2024
Name: Kupriyanskiy Nikolay Viktorovich
Date of Birth: November 16, 1967
Current status: defendant
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (1)
Time spent in prison: 2 day in a temporary detention facility, 327 day Under house arrest
Current restrictions: house arrest

Case History

In August 2023, the homes of Jehovah’s Witnesses were searched in Kursk. An FSB investigator opened a criminal case against Nikolay Kupriyanskiy and spouses Dmitriy Chausov and Oksana Chausova. All three were detained. They were accused of organizing the activities of an extremist community and participating in it. Dmitriy was sent to a pre-trial detention center, and later, like Nikolay and Oksana, under house arrest. The Chausovs were separated due to a ban on communication. In June 2024, the case went to court.