Name: Katanaeva Lyudviga Leonidovna
Date of Birth: February 1, 1967
Current status: convicted person
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (2)
Current restrictions: recognizance agreement
Sentence: imprisonment for a term of 3 years 4 months, with restriction of freedom for a period of 6 months, the sentence in the form of imprisonment is considered conditional with a probation period of 3 years


In the summer of 2019, a wave of searches took place in Vladivostok. Masked law enforcement officers with machine guns broke into the homes of six believers; one of whom is Lyudviga Katanaeva.

Lyudviga was born in 1967 in Vladivostok. From the age of 2, under the guidance of her father, she began ice-skating; later she studied at art and music schools and was interested in tourism and folk dances. She has a younger sister.

After school, Lyudviga studied inlay art at college. Later she graduated from a Tourism Academy. She worked as an artist in the painting workshop at a porcelain factory. For a while, Lyudviga held the position of a graphic designer, worked in the hotel industry for several years in a row, and later trained as a manicure and pedicure professional. She is currently a housekeeper and a babysitter.

Lyudviga enjoys helping others. In her youth, she often devoted time to children and teenagers from dysfunctional families. As a result, some of those children were taken off the police register. For this, the Department of Internal Affairs of the Primorye Territory awarded her a certificate of honor.

Traveling and getting to know different people, cultures and architectural features of different cities and countries bring real pleasure to Lyudviga. She also likes to go camping with her friends in nature.

For many years, Lyudviga searched different religions for answers to vital questions, and early in 2000 she learned that the Bible has the answers. They turned out to be simple and logical, which attracted the young woman. Lyudviga raised her daughter alone, and when she learned Bible truths, she began to apply the advice from the Holy Scriptures in doing so.

The criminal prosecution affected the health of the believer: her eyesight and memory deteriorated and her sleep was disturbed due to the constant expectation of a second search. Relatives who do not share the religious views of Lyudviga are outraged by the unfair prosecution of law-abiding citizens of Russia.

Case History

On an early July morning in 2018, in Vladivostok, masked armed law enforcement officers invaded the apartment of a 90-year-old relative of Dmitriy and Yelena Barmakin. Later, Yelena was charged with extremism and the family’s bank accounts were blocked. The reason for this was her participation in meetings for worship, which were secretly filmed by an FSB agent. In May 2020, the believer’s case went to court, and in September it was returned to the prosecutor’s office. In August 2021, the investigator merged the cases against Yelena and her fellow believers — Yuriy Redozubov, Igor Lonchakov, Lyudviga Katanaeva, Nina Astvatsaturova, Yekaterina Treguba, Yelena Tsorn and the Verigin couple. In June 2022, the case went to court, and in January 2025, the believers received the following sentences: Lonchakov — 7 years imprisonment, Redozubov — 6.5 years imprisonment; Treguba and Katanaeva — 3 years and 4 months suspended; Barmakina, Tsorn and Astvatsaturova — 3 years suspended.
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