Name: Ivanova Olga Aleksandrovna
Date of Birth: December 19, 1982
Current status: who has served the main sentence
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (2)
Time spent in prison: 2 day in a temporary detention facility, 129 day in a pre-trial detention, 501 day Under house arrest, 832 day in prison
Current restrictions: restriction of freedom
Sentence: punishment in the form of 3 years and 6 months of imprisonment, with the imposition of additional penalties in the form of deprivation of the right to engage in activities related to leadership and participation in the work of public organizations for a period of 3 years, with restriction of liberty for a period of 1 year, with serving a sentence of imprisonment in a correctional colony of general regime


In the summer of 2020, a series of searches were carried out in Astrakhan in dozens of houses of believers. The victims of the illegal actions of the security forces were the Ivanovs. A criminal case was opened against them for their faith, and in October 2021, the court handed them a harsh sentence — 8 years in prison for Yevgeniy and 3.5 years of real imprisonment for Olga.

Olga was born in 1982 in the city of Volzhsky (Volgograd region). She has two sisters. As a child, Olga learned to play the accordion.

In 2003 she graduated from the Academy with a degree in linguistics. During her studies and after Olga worked as an English tutor, later as a sales assistant, and more recently, until her arrest, as an au pair. Having married Yevgeniy, Olga moved to Astrakhan with her husband in 2007.

From early childhood, Olga was worried about why people die. She received an answer from her mother, who in the early 1990s became interested in Bible teachings. “Thanks to the fact that I got to know the Bible and God himself in my teens,” Olga recalls, “my life has changed qualitatively! I learned to choose good friends who didn't encourage me to smoke or try drugs. My speech became clear of foul language. Thanks to the advice from the Holy Scriptures, I was able to find a worthy person who became my husband. These tips help me to be a loving wife, to be his helper. In addition, I have received answers to questions that have deeply worried me since early childhood, and this helps me to lead a meaningful life. "

Olga loves animals, helps homeless dogs and cats, and her husband Eugene supports her in this. Before the criminal prosecution, they enjoyed spending time with friends, watching movies and relaxing in nature.

The spouses, who are accustomed to chatting every day, can hardly bear the separation, since Yevgeniy was taken into custody. “Now we not only do not see each other, but we also cannot find out from each other how things are,” says Olga. Speaking in court with the last word, she noted: “I see cruelty in the fact that all of us, the accused, were separated from our families, from the people most dear to us. Me with my husband, and the rest — with their wives.” After the search and arrest, the spouses were left without work and cannot earn a living.

Olga's mother, who lost her husband and underwent two operations, is experiencing additional stress due to the unfair attitude of the authorities towards her daughter and son-in-law. She came from another city and lived with Olga for more than a year in order to help her and her husband in the necessary matters as much as possible.

Case History

In June 2020, the investigation in Astrakhan initiated a criminal case against Sergey Klikunov, Rustam Diarov, Yevgeniy Ivanov and his wife, Olga, under an article for extremism. A series of searches took place the next day. After that, the four believers were placed in custody. Three days later, Olga Ivanova was placed under house arrest. From June 2021, the case against the believers was heard in court. The court sentenced Yevgeniy, Sergey and Rustam to 8 years in a penal colony, and Olga to 3.5 years imprisonment. The court of appeal upheld this decision in February 2022, and 10 months later, the court of cassation even toughened the punishment, banning the believers from leaving Astrakhan after serving their sentence. In June 2024, Olga Ivanova was released.