Name: Globa Yuliya Valentinovna
Date of Birth: March 17, 1982
Current status: convicted person
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (2)
Current restrictions: suspended sentence
Sentence: punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of 2 years 6 months, with restriction of liberty for a term of 8 months, the sentence in the form of imprisonment shall be considered suspended with a correctional period of 2 years 6 months


In May 2023, a criminal case was opened against Yuliya Globa, an English tutor, on charges of extremism.

Yuliya was born in March 1982 in the city of Svetlovodsk (Ukraine) in a family with mani kids—she has 4 sisters. His mother died in 2020, his father is retired.

As a child, Yuliya was active: she loved morning jogging, played football with friends, danced and music, learned a foreign language, rode a bicycle, loved to ride with her dad to the country.

Yuliya graduated from the pedagogical college with honors. Later, at the Pedagogical University, she received the specialty "teacher of Russian, Ukrainian, English" and worked at school as an English teacher for 6 years.

In 2003, Yuliya decided to live in harmony with Christian norms. The practicality of her Bible counsel, as well as her fulfilled Bible prophecies, inspired her to continue to study the Bible seriously.

In 2007, together with her two sisters, Yuliya moved to Russia, to the city of Unecha (Bryansk region). Here she began working as a private English teacher. Here, in Unecha, she met her future husband, Ernst, and in 2018 they got married.

The husband shares Yuliya’s views on life. He is engaged in construction work. In his free time he likes to play chess, football, listen to music. Yuliya herself is fond of planting flowers, and also takes care of a small vegetable garden. She, like in childhood, continues to run and rides a bicycle in the morning. The doors of the couple's house are always open to friends, they often have guests.

The criminal prosecution keeps Yuliya in suspense. The believer said: "For 5 years of family life, we had 3 searches. Every search is a terrible stress... Still, my husband and I are not discouraged, but try to maintain a positive outlook on our current circumstances. She added: "My family, friends, acquaintances are very worried. They are also outraged by what is happening and wonder why civilians are being unjustly persecuted."

Case History

In May 2023, a criminal case was initiated against Yuliya Globa. A resident of the Bryansk Region was suspected of extremism because of her conversations about the Bible. The security forces searched her home, and she was later interrogated by the Investigative Committee. In October 2023, the believer’s case was submitted to the Unecha District Court of the Bryansk Region. In June 2024, Yuliya Globa was given a 2.5-year suspended sentence.
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