Name: Astvatsaturova Nina Nikolayevna
Date of Birth: July 30, 1959
Current status: convicted person
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (2)
Current restrictions: recognizance agreement
Sentence: imprisonment for a term of 3 years, with restriction of freedom for a period of 6 months, the sentence in the form of imprisonment is considered conditional with a probation period of 3 years


As a child, Nina Astvatsaturova's mother and grandmother instilled faith in God. Since then, she has been searching for the truth about the Creator and already in adulthood - in 2003 - she embarked on the Christian path, convinced of the scientific accuracy of the Bible and its usefulness in modern life. 17 years later, a criminal case was opened against her - in fact, Nina is being persecuted for her love of the Holy Scriptures.

Nina was born in July 1959 in the city of Kuibyshev (now Samara). She is the only child in the family. Nina's childhood was spent in different cities - her father was a military man, so they often moved.

At school, Nina studied excellently. She also graduated from music school with a degree in piano. Later she entered the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology at the Institute of Oil and Chemistry in Baku (Azerbaijan) and, after graduating from it, worked in her specialty.

In addition to Samara and Baku, Nina lived in Kaliningrad, and later moved to Vladivostok at the place of her husband's military service. The couple raised a son.

In her youth, Nina studied English, ballroom dancing and horse riding. Now she enjoys attending theater and classical music concerts. Nina loves animals, nature and travel, she enjoys spending time with friends.

The criminal prosecution affected Nina's health: after the search, she had a hypertensive crisis. Other diseases have also worsened. Relatives and friends of the believer are outraged by the persecution and consider it unfair.

Case History

On an early July morning in 2018, in Vladivostok, masked armed law enforcement officers invaded the apartment of a 90-year-old relative of Dmitriy and Yelena Barmakin. Later, Yelena was charged with extremism and the family’s bank accounts were blocked. The reason for this was her participation in meetings for worship, which were secretly filmed by an FSB agent. In May 2020, the believer’s case went to court, and in September it was returned to the prosecutor’s office. In August 2021, the investigator merged the cases against Yelena and her fellow believers — Yuriy Redozubov, Igor Lonchakov, Lyudviga Katanaeva, Nina Astvatsaturova, Yekaterina Treguba, Yelena Tsorn and the Verigin couple. In June 2022, the case went to court, and in January 2025, the believers received the following sentences: Lonchakov — 7 years imprisonment, Redozubov — 6.5 years imprisonment; Treguba and Katanaeva — 3 years and 4 months suspended; Barmakina, Tsorn and Astvatsaturova — 3 years suspended.
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