Andrey and Leysan Bochkarev in front of the court of cassation on August 13, 2024

Andrey and Leysan Bochkarev in front of the court of cassation on August 13, 2024

Andrey and Leysan Bochkarev in front of the court of cassation on August 13, 2024

Unjust Verdicts

Court of Cassation Did Not Change the Verdict Against Believers From Kazan


On August 13, 2024, the Sixth Court of Cassation of General Jurisdiction in Samara upheld the verdict against the Bochkarevs and Tatyana Obizhestvit: for the two women suspended sentences — from 2 to 2.5 years, for Andrey Bochkarev — 3 years and 1 month in a penal colony. His term is considered to be served, taking into account his stay in a pretrial detention center.

In the cassation appeal, the believers pointed to the fact that the guilty verdict was not based on evidence, that the defendants committed any extremist actions or made statements inciting hatred but was based on assumptions. They emphasized that Jehovah's Witnesses treat people of other religions with kindness, love and tolerance.

The court once again recognized it as a crime to study the Bible together with friends and other people. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and The European Court of Human Rights have ruled that meetings for worship of Jehovah's Witnesses and their joint performance of rites do not constitute a crime.

The Case of the Bochkarevs and Obizhestvit in Kazan

Case History
In January 2020, Tatyana Obizhestvit hosted guests at her home. Suddenly, law enforcement officers rushed in and searched her home. Then 15 people were taken for interrogation. Among them were two women over 80 years old and two children. A criminal case was initiated against Tatyana, as well as Andrey and Leysan Bochkarev under an article against extremism only because they believe in Jehovah God. The believers spent 2 days in a temporary detention facility, after which the women were placed under house arrest, and Andrey was placed in a pretrial detention center. In April 2021, the case went to court. Two secret witnesses testified in the case: one posing as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses and the other claiming that he had been “offered to join the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses.” In February 2023, Tatyana Obizhestvit and Leysan Bochkareva received suspended sentences of 2 and 2.5 years, respectively. Andrey Bochkarev was sentenced to 3 years and 1 month in a penal colony, but was released in the courtroom, since he actually served this term in a pretrial detention center. The courts of appeal and cassation upheld this decision.

Persons in case

Criminal case

Suspected of:
"Unidentified persons organized and conducted illegal campaign meetings ... in compliance with the actions characteristic of this extremist organization: singing biblical songs, studying literature... and other improvement of the skills of missionary activity" (from the decision on the initiation of criminal proceedings)
Court case number:
December 27, 2019
Current case stage:
the verdict entered into force
Investigative Unit of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Tatarstan
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation:
282.2 (1)
Court case number:
1-23/2023 (1-46/2022; 1-280/2021)
Court of First Instance:
Vakhitovskiy District Court of the City of Kazan
Judge of the Court of First Instance:
Yuriy Arsenyuk
Case History
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