Photo: Valery Shalev and Viktor Malkov

Photo: Valery Shalev and Viktor Malkov

Photo: Valery Shalev and Viktor Malkov

Criminal Investigation and Trial

In the Smolensk region, after 8 months behind bars, believers Valery Shalev and Viktor Malkov were transferred under house arrest

Smolensk Region

On December 20, 2019, Denis Nikishov, judge of the Leninsky District Court of Smolensk, released 60-year-old Viktor Malkov from custody in the courtroom. A day later, the same judge made a similar decision in relation to 42-year-old Valery Shalev. After spending 240 days behind bars, believers will now languish under house arrest.

Two other defendants in this case, Ruslan Korolev and Yevgeny Deshko, were released from the pre-trial detention center earlier, having spent 112 and 207 days behind bars, respectively.

FSB investigator G.P. Bezrukov objected to Viktor Malkov and Valery Shalev being released from the pre-trial detention center. Although the court rejected the FSB's request to keep them behind bars, still, under the terms of house arrest, they cannot live or even communicate with their wives, since the FSB assigned them the status of "witnesses" in the case (despite the fact that close relatives in Russia are exempt from the obligation to testify in the case). In addition, believers are not allowed to enter into correspondence with anyone, make phone calls, use the Internet, and so on.

In total, three criminal cases have been initiated against believers in the Smolensk region: the case of Shalev and others in Smolensk (4 accused), the case of Sorokina and Troshina in Sychevka (two accused), and the case of Vladimirova and Galkevich in Smolensk (two accused). All believers spent an average of 196 days in the pre-trial detention center and were placed under house arrest.

All three criminal cases are being investigated by the Smolensk Region Directorate of the FSB. Such formidable security forces in the region are thrown against 4 women and 4 men who are perfectly characterized, not convicted, law-abiding. There are no victims in the cases. FSB officers are forced to delve into theological issues and are now able to explain how the doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses differs from the creeds of other religions. At the same time, the security forces fail to explain what, in fact, the "extremism" imputed to believers is.

Case of Shalev and Others in Smolensk

Case History
In April 2019, Jehovah’s Witnesses from Smolensk—Ruslan Korolev, Valery Shalev, and Viktor Malkov—were sent to jail. The day before, searches were carried out in their homes. Yevgeny Deshko was detained in Dagomys (Krasnodar Territory) as the fourth suspect in this criminal case. The believers spent 4 to 8 months in jail and another 3 to 7 months under house arrest. Due to the stress and conditions of detention in the pre-trial detention center, Viktor’s heart problems worsened, and he died without waiting for the trial. The criminal case under Part 1 of Article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation was investigated by the FSB of Russia in the Smolensk Region. In the Industrial District Court of Smolensk, the prosecutor asked Judge Marina Masalskaya to send Shalev and Deshko to jail for 8 years, and Korolev for 9 years for discussing Christian teachings. In April 2021, a judge found them guilty, but sentenced them to suspended imprisonment ranging from 6 to 6.5 years. In August 2021, the Court of Appeal approved the punishment for the believers. The cassation court upheld the decisions of the lower courts.

Persons in case

Criminal case

Smolensk Region
Suspected of:
According to the investigation he “organized and held a joint prayer to ‘Jehovah’, carried out a demonstration of videos ... informing adherents on issues of participation in conventions ... organizing and conducting subsequent joint meetings” (from the indictment)
Court case number:
April 25, 2019
Current case stage:
the verdict entered into force
Investigative Department of the Directorate of the FSB of Russia for the Smolensk Region
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation:
282.2 (1)
Court case number:
1-2/2021 (1-159/2020)
Промышленный районный суд г. Смоленска
Judge of the Court of First Instance:
Марина Масальская
Case History
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